

I am a geophysicist interested in understanding the fundamental processes and mechanisms by which ice sheets and glaciers respond to climate change. To this end, I often combine a variety of field observations (e.g. GPS receivers and seismometers) with satellite imagery and theoretical/numerical analysis to understand how glaciers and ice sheets break and flow and how this translates to past, present, and future sea level rise.

Potential Students

I am always interested in hearing from bright motivated students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Feel free to shoot me an email if you are interested in glaciology at UM.

Larsen B Ice Shelf
Satellite image showing the disintegration of the Larsen B Ice Shelf. The Larsen B Ice Shelf completely disintegrated over a period of about 3 weeks in March of 2002 in an event that has been linked to global warming. The light blue areas show sub-pixel sized icebergs in what my colleague Doug MacAyeal calls the “mosh-pit”. My research group tried to understand the processes and mechanisms at work during events like these.